Using This Books For Making Delicious Raw Food Recipes

Invest in good kitchen equipment. You don't have to buy everything at once, but it is a good idea to gradually stock your kitchen with good quality cookware, utensils and other labor saving devices. If you have the right equipment, cooking is less frustrating and takes less time. Most basic cookbooks will have a section on kitchen essentials that you can use as a guide. Follow recipes carefully, but don't be afraid to use your own judgment. Although this sounds like a contradictory statement it really isn't. It is important, particularly when baking, to measure carefully and follow the cooking times and instructions given. However, no matter how precisely a recipe is written, other variables may effect how something will turn out.

For example, maybe the temperatures in your oven are not quite accurate and things take a little longer or a little less time to cook. Recipes may be written to work at sea level and require adjustment for higher altitudes. Be flexible and trust your judgment which will become sharper with practice. When you modify a recipe be sure to make a note of what you did differently for future reference.

Experiment with new tastes and recipes. It is easy to just keep cooking the same things over and over, but it is also very boring. As you become a more proficient cook kinochef try new foods and recipes. It's exciting and rewarding as long as you don't get too stressed out if something doesn't turn out well. All good cooks make mistakes and have disasters in the kitchen from time to time. The process of trial and error is part of the learning curve. Consider keeping a food journal, maybe try out one new recipe a week and record how you liked it, what changes you make to ingredients or seasonings; whether you would make it again. Free E-cookbooks and recipe sites on the internet are an excellent way to get recipes at no cost.

Seek out opportunities to learn more about cooking. Ask advice from more experienced cooks and watch what they do. You could join cooking forums such as: or The food channel is a good resource, or consider a cooking course in your community. Become skilled at the 'whys' of cooking not just the 'how to follow instruction' approach. This is a lifelong challenge but worth the time and effort in the personal satisfaction, a sense of accomplishment and the pleasure you give others. The following quote sums it up.


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